Detectives not believed to be linking two stabbings on same Downpatrick street within three days as they issue plea for pubic help

Flowers left at the scene of a fatal stabbing on Church Street in Downpatrick, Co DownFlowers left at the scene of a fatal stabbing on Church Street in Downpatrick, Co Down
Flowers left at the scene of a fatal stabbing on Church Street in Downpatrick, Co Down
Detectives from the PSNI’s Major Investigation Team are not believed to be linking two stabbings which occurred on the same street in Downpatrick within three days of each other.

It comes as detectives issue a plea for information surrounding the latter stabbing, which is being treated as murder.

The fatal victim was a described by police as a 28-year-old man, and named by some media as an Aidan Mann – though there has been no official confirmation of his identity.

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The PSNI issued a statement which said that the man was stabbed in the Church Street area of the town at around 11am on Monday, but was pronounced dead at the scene despite the efforts of paramedics.

A man in his 30s was arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in custody at time of writing.

They said: “If anyone has information that could assist our investigation please get in touch.

“If you have dash cam or mobile phone footage of any part of this brutal incident, and have not yet contacted us, please do so by calling 101 quoting reference number 497 of 03/01/22.”

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A report can also be made using the online reporting form via

Alternatively, information can be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at

The incident is understood to be viewed by police as wholly separate from another stabbing on Church Street, at 1.30am on Saturday.

That attack happened outside licenced premises.

The PSNI said at the time: “At approximately 1.30am, officers received a report that a woman aged in her 20s had been assaulted and stabbed in the leg.

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“She was taken to hospital where she received treatment for her injuries.

“A man in his 20s was also assaulted and had a tooth broken during the attack.

“A 28-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent to commit grievous bodily harm, possession of an offensive weapon and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, she was later released on bail pending further enquiries.

“Anyone who witnessed the assaults is asked to contact police on 101 quoting reference 261 of 01/01/22.”

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